Our Mission

We are a company dedicated to the breeding, development, dressage and commercialization of Purebred Spanish Horses (PRE).

The Spanish horse is considered by its history as “Horse of Kings” for its nobility and physical beauty, it has the proper conformation of the saddle horse, standing out for its skills in High School, Rejoneo, Dressage and Engagement, always showing its ability of meeting and its high airs.
It is physically characterized by having a medium-sized head, with a fronto-nasal profile from subconvex to rectum, broad forehead and slightly domed. Its neck is strong and arched, of proportionate length, covered with long and silky manes. It has lively eyes, very mobile ears and very elegant demeanor. His cross is moderately wide and prominent; back short, broad and muscled, rump of medium and rounded width. In general it can be said that it is a well proportioned horse and of remarkable harmony in all its conformation.

Yeguada Ponce Vega is formed with the purpose of introducing the best genetics for the breeding of the Purebred Spanish, The objective of YEGUADA PONCE VEGA
is to obtain functional specimens of Purebred Spanish PRE working on the improvement of the aptitudes and physical characteristics of the breed.

Don Juan Manuel Ponce Vega was born the passion for the horse at an early age. In those years in his native El Capulin Michoacán, Creole horses from the region were used for work, transportation, Sunday strolls in the plaza, in short, his faithful companion.
The most beautiful thing for Don Juan is to be able to share his horses and give our friends the opportunity to have a high quality horse and one day he made his dream come true.

“Here at Yeguada Ponce Vega we have a very big heart for everyone, we like to receive our friends who love horses, just as they have welcomed me with open arms”. Don Juan Manuel Ponce Vega
